Aero-Marine Specialty Applications

Thriller provides Subject Matter Expertise in air deployable systems for government applications. Our services include full mission package development to include operational planning, training and deployment support. Recently Thriller completed the design, manufacturing and testing a steerable freefall non-powered turbine with parafoil. This system gives this air drop navigation system directional control throughout its descent by means of air flow control thru a low cost, low power control system. This creates drag and directionality thru restricting flow thru four airflow chambers, thus achieving directional control

The system contains a GPS, a battery pack, and the guidance, navigation and control package. Additional remote operation payload chamber allows for multiple applications to include remote detonation or remote parafoil release. The navigation unit obtains its position prior to exiting the aircraft and continues to calculate its position and correct steering throughout descent. Advancements continue to be made for more extreme correction angles allowing for longer distances to target.

Thriller supports specialty marine floating applications to include casting specialty floats and implementation of anti-corrosive materials. Previous projects include US Coast Guard Aid to Navigation Towers, Constant Tension Mooring Systems, US Navy waterfront barriers and subsea cable seawater ground arrays. We provided support to the US Navy Sound Measurement Platform in Seneca Lake, NY. This project consisted of removing the existing crane and preparing the barge deck for installation of a new crane. The new crane installation required a prefabricated deck support structure to be fabricated and inspected.